Victor Hugo composed almost all his theatrical work within ten years. At that time, he attended Mr. Bertin’s « Salon » and would often stroll in the Bièvre river valley.
Censorship stroke on several occasions, and it was only at the price of a relentless struggle that he gained the heart of the public and the right to be performed. Many criticisms were published in the Journal des débats.
Cromwell (1827)
Marion Delorme (1829)
Hernani (1830)
Le Roi s’amuse (1832)

Lucrèce Borgia (1833)
Marie Tudor (1833)
Angelo, tyran de Padoue (1835)
Ruy Blas (1838)
It is frequent that, during his stays at Les Roches, Hugo writes to actors or goes back and forth beetween Bièvres and Paris, to go to his appointments with theater directors, to attend rehearsals or to supervise the edition of his plays.