

During his stays at the Château des Roches, Hugo was strongly inspired by the beautiful landscape of the Bièvre     valley. His close friend was Bertin’s daughter, Louise, he used to talk to her about his work and he constantly shared his doubts and his hopes with her. Some of his poems were dedicated to her.

« Bièvre » Autumn’s leaves

Untitled – XXXVII – Twilight’s songs

« Que nous avons le doute en nous » Twilight’s songs

« Pensar, dudar » Inside’s voices

Untitled – V – The Contemplations

« Écrit sur la plinthe d un bas-relief antique » The Contemplations

« Sagesse »Rays and shadows

In 1837, he came back alone and composed the famous « Tristesse d’Olympio » Rays and shadows.