


Personalities from the literary world


  • Mr. Jean Gaudon, Professor Emeritus of French Literature at the University of Paris XII


  • Mr. Gérard Pouchain, Associate Professor, Doctor of letters


  • Mr. Cheng Zenghou, Professor of French Literature at Sun-Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
  • Mr. Michel Maffesoli, sociologist, Professor Emeritus of the University of Paris-Descartes


  • Mrs. Carmen Suarez Léon, Doctor of Philological Sciences from the University of Havana (Cuba)
  • Mr. Claude Schopp, Doctor of Letters
  • Mr. Arnaud Laster, Professor of French Literature at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, President of the Friends of Victor Hugo
  • Mrs. Danielle Casiglia-Laster, writer and critic


  • Mrs. Reine Prat, Associate Professor of Literature, responsible for the George Sand bicentenary
  • Mrs. Claude Millet, Professor of French Literature at the University of Paris-Diderot
  • Mr. Frank Laurent, Professor of French Literature at the University of Le Mans


  • Mr. Jean Lacroix, writer, specialist in Victor Hugo (Belgium)


  • Mrs. Anne-Simone Dufief, Professor Emeritus of French Literature at the University of Angers
  • Mr. Pierre-Jean Dufief, Professor Emeritus of French Literature at the University of Paris-Nanterre


  • Mrs. Marilise Six, Associate Professor of Classical letters, President of the Lyriades of the French language
  • Mr. Jean-Pierre Bois, historian and doctor of letters, author of the first history of peace


  • Mr. Jean-Marc Hovasse, research director at CNRS, seconded to Sorbonne University
Mr. Jean Gaudon
Mr. Cheng Zenghou
Mrs. and Mr. Dufief


Descendants, politicians and cultural figures


  • Mr. Pierre Hugo, descendant of Victor Hugo
  • Mr. Serge Tolstoï, descendant of Léon Tolstoï
  • Mrs. Delafon, descendant of Bertin the Elder
  • Mr. Alain Poher, President of the Senate
  • Mr. Louis G. Marquès, Director of Cabinet at UNESCO
  • Mr. Tchinguiz Aitmatov, writer, USSR Ambassador to Luxembourg
  • Mr. Michel Pelchat, Deputy for Essonne
  • Mr. Ricardo Diez-Hochteilner, diplomat, President of the Club of Rome
  • Mr. René Huygue, of the Académie française
  • Mr. Georges Poisson, General Curator of Heritage, President of the Writers’ Route
  • Mr. André Fage, President and founder of the Bièvres Museum of Photography


  • Mr. Nouth Narang, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia


  • Mr. Bernard de Montgolfier, Honorary General Curator of Heritage
  • Mrs. Françoise Cestac, President of the United Nations French Cultural Association


  • Mr. Denis Lavalle, General Curator of Heritage
  • Dr. Jules Brassner, Director of the Napoleon Association (USA)
  • Mr. Michel Maffesoli, sociologist, Professor at the University of Paris-Descartes
  • Mr. Maxime Piolot, singer and poet


  • Dr. Matthias Schmandt, Curator of the Municipal History Museum of the City of Bingen (Germany)


  • Mrs. Marie Hugo, descendant of Victor Hugo
  • Dr. Linus Pauling junior, psychiatrist
  • Mrs. Danielle Molinari, Chief Curator of the Maison Victor Hugo
  • Mrs. Catherine Maynial, Director of the Senate Library and Archives


  • Mrs. Chantal Spillemaecker, Curator of the Musée du Dauphinois
  • Mr. Antoine Troncy, Curator of the Hector Berlioz Museum


  • Mr. Alain Decaux, of the Académie française
  • Mr. Thierry Lentz, Director of the Fondation Napoléon
  • Mr. Bernard Petit, President of the Souvenir Napoléonien


  • Mr. Arnaud d’Hauterives, Permanent Secretary of the Académie des Beaux-Arts
  • Mr. Charles Bonaparte, President of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities
  • Mr. Michel Guerry, Senator representing French nationals living outside France
  • Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, diplomat, 5th Secretary General of the United Nations


  • Mrs. Marie-Jeanne Bleuzet-Julbin, lawyer, 1st woman president of the Bar


  • Mrs. Virginia Benson, Director of the Boston Peace Research Institute (USA)


  • Pr. Francisco Delich, former Rector of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Mrs. Josiane Balasko, actress


  • Mrs. Anne Pelletier Le Barbier, Mayor of Bièvres


  • Mr. Marc-Édouard Gautier, archivist paleographer and Curator of libraries, responsible for the Heritage collections of the Angers Library


  • Mrs. Anne Bongrain, associate professor of musical education and doctor of musicology, general secretary of the Hector Berlioz National Association


  • Mr. Gérard Audinet, general curator of heritage, director of the Maisons de Victor Hugo Paris / Guernsey
Victor Hugo by Pecnard
Mr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner and Mr. Philippe Moine
Inauguration in Bingen
Mr. Georges Poisson
Mr. Denis Lavalle and Mr. Maxime Piolot
Mr. Alain Decaux
Mr. Charles Bonaparte with Mrs. and Mr Moine